At Home Mums' Blog

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Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Going back to work after children

The other half had a boys' night out a couple of weeks ago, and one of his mates stayed over at our place. In the morning, while the other half was still nursing a hangover in bed, his mate was up and about with me and the kids, trying to be sociable long enough to look polite before he escaped to his single life and presumably a more comfy bed.

I asked him about mutual friends, he asked me whether I was thinking about going back to work. He caught me a bit by surprise. No, I wasn't but let's think about it; I'm already doing an important job, and I'm also taking some time to work on our web business 8 hours or so a week.

I felt defensive. In reality, it was just polite conversation, but it still got me thinking (and got me annoyed that the other half wasn't down here to talk about sport, and music, and the big night out with his mate, so I didn't have to face challenging questions at 8 in the morning).

What if the other half had mentioned something? What if he wishes I was back at work earning loads of money so he could ease off a bit. Paranoid? Probably, but life would obviously be easier in some ways if there was more money coming in, and it might give him the chance to take some time out and work at home for a while.

The plan for us, in as much as we have one, is that as the children go to school and pre-school, I start working part time. My objectives are three fold; to earn a bit of money, to have something else to focus on other than children, and most importantly, to still be home for the children when they are there.

In reality, this means I'm either working from home, or I have a part time job, which I probably wouldn't be able to do until Michael is in 3 days of pre-school. My major problem is that I don't know what I'd do. My previous career in IT and Finance doesn't lend itself easily to a 9:30 to 2:30 day, or work from home. I've moved away from the hands on, to team management, and that really needs you there, with the team. Also, I'm really not interested in IT or Finance anymore, and I'm completely over the corporate working environment (minor problem....)

So, where do I go from here? I have some time to get myself organised; after all, Michael is only 2 1/2, so I can do some research, maybe look at work experience, or additional training and try to get myself headed in the right direction.

If you're in this same position, there are various things you can try.

One approach is to get some help from a Life Coach. They can work with you to look at your objectives and priorities, your character and skills, and help you find the right career direction.

If you have a business idea, but don't know how to get it off the ground, you can speak to a business coach. They can provide both creative and practical advice, with knowledge of the financial aspects, registering your business, whether you need to register for GST, filing your tax returns and most importantly, how to market your business.

Sometimes just having someone to bounce ideas off and provide a bit of motivation can get you going in the right direction.

If you know what you want to do, but are not fully qualified, you might want to look at some additional training or education. There are plenty of part time or distance education courses out there, so it is possible to do it around the children.

If you think this is the way to go, but you are wary about investing in a full training course, why not try some work experience first. Organisations are often happy to have a willing volunteer and show you the ropes for a few days or a few hours over a number of weeks. That way, you can decide if the job would be what you're after, before you commit to training.

Finally, if you are just after some ideas, I have a list of work from home jobs that I believe are genuine opportunities and not get rich quick scams.

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Anonymous heidi jeffress said...

Going back is such a heart wrenching debate. Which is made worse by running it around in our heads time after time weighing up the if, buts and maybes. At the end of the day to have raised wonderful people we need to be there for everything in the early days. As a mother of 3 wonderful boys aged 8, 3 and 4 months i have had this dilemma a few times and have currently been facing it once again. With boy 1 i went to work part-time when he turned 6 months. Boy 2 went casual when he was 5 weeks, and then full time by 3 months. While every child and situation are completely different it definately feels like they missed out not having me home. This time the plan is not to go back. But having made this decision i have found the loss of income and socail time hard. Due to this i started searching through hundreds of work frome home opportunities. Trying to decipher them was a nightmare! However i am happy to say i won the battle. I have started a business where i do not have to sell, do any cold calling, or party plan. All this and the opportunity to earn a $5000 pm income within 12 months. I simply help people switch from the large retailers to shopping online purchasing 100% safe and natural products to use in their home. This helps them save money whilst ensuring the health of our children. And best of all their is a 100% satifaction guarantee on all products which we don't get from the large supermarkets. I am so happy that i can have the whole package of income, chit chat, and the knoweledge that my children have everything from me. Feel free to get in touch either just for a chat or to find out more.

20 April 2009 at 10:54 am  
Anonymous f4network said...

going back definitely broke my heart. luckily it didn't last long and i am now working from home.

27 March 2010 at 2:47 am  

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