At Home Mums' Blog

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Thursday, 12 February 2009

Sleep Deprivation

I'm tired. Everyday I wake up tired. No, let's get it right, I get woken up, tired. All those wise parents tell you about sleep deprivation when you're pregnant, but you never quite get it, until it happens.

And it's not just the babies. Last night my 4 1/2 year old woke up and ended up in our bed. The other half was in Melbourne with work, so I took the easy option and gave her his spot. I'm lucky with Holly - this doesn't happen very often.

Mikey, on the other hand wakes up almost every night, crying. If we ignore it, it escalates. If I go in before he's really woken himself up, I can settle him in a few seconds. But I've still had to wake up, and get out of bed, so the night is disturbed. I've tried doing it half asleep, ended up walking into the stair banister and had a bruise on my hip for weeks.

And on the rare occasions both kids sleep through, I inevitably have to get up for a pee, or the other half can't sleep and as I'm now programmed to wake up for every little noise, he keeps me awake anyway.

So, I should be used to interrupted sleep. What with the pregnancies, it's about 5 years since I went through the night. But it doesn't seem to work like that. At some point I've got to make up for lack of sleep. Maybe when they leave home. But, as my mum says, by then I'll have forgotten how to sleep anyway.

So for all those child free people out there, make the most of it! Treasure your sleep, and don't talk to me about lie ins. I'll just get cranky.


For more information on babies and sleep have a look at my website - At Home Mums

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